Welcome to Bernie's Two Minute Friday where we will invite you to take a couple of minutes out from your busy schedule to read about what is happening in the world - all with a St Bernard’s Old Collegians focus.
We wanted to provoke some reminiscing of years gone by, so we're going to dig into the St Bernard's Archives and fish out some memories! We'd love it if you have photos from your time at St Bernard's and would be willing to send them in to share with us!
The year was 1962, the final section of the Cahill Expressway opens in Sydney, Australia wins 38 gold medals at the 1962 British Empire and Commonwealth Games, held in Perth, Steve Irwin is born!
Front-page of The Sun newspaper - from the St Bernard's Time Capsule 1962!
Want to request a specific year or photo for the next "The Way We Were"? Reach out via email - cnicholl@sbc.vic.edu.au or hit the socials!
As we all continue to navigate the current COVID lockdown, the Old Collegian Association has been monitoring the restrictions closely to see what events we may still be able to host for 2021.
We have made the tough decision to cancel all Reunions for 2021. We will revisit all Reunion's in the new year
While we are unable to confirm at this stage, we are still optimistic that the SBOCA Golf Day will go ahead on the 22nd of October - We will keep all Old Collegians informed
Old Collegian Ben Hogan (SBC 95') has won the AFL Auskick Volunteer of the Year award!
Fantastic recognition for all of Ben's hard work and dedication - Congratulations!
In more fantastic Old Collegian news , Steve McCann (SBC 81') & Ziggy Switkowski (SBC 64') have joined forces at Crown Resorts, both joining the senior management team!
Steve McCann was appointed as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Crown Resorts Limited on 1 June 2021. Mr McCann was appointed as Chief Executive Officer and Director of Crown Melbourne Limited on 20 August 2021.
Ziggy Switkowski has been appointed Chairman of Crown Resorts as of August 2021
Congratulations to both Old Collegians on these exciting new roles, while the pair did not attend St Bernard's during the same time-period, we are sure they'll be able to whip things into shape with an SBC spirit!
We've added an update personal details page to our website to make it easy for Old Collegians to provide updated contact details to the College. Ensuring your contact details are up to date with the College is essential to continue to receive our publications and invitations to Old Collegian events, such as the Reunions.
We received quite a few updates after the last edition, be sure to keep them coming in!
Please click here to update your details!
Annual Giving at St Bernard's College Foundation
Our College’s determination to create the best available Learning Institution for boys is certainly a high priority. Since 2008 through the generous support of the St Bernard’s College community, the Foundation has been able to provide over $600,000 in bursaries and scholarships, as well as over $750,000 to assist with the provision of the state of the art buildings and facilities.
But there is still so much more to be done.
A Gift to our Annual Giving Campaign from you will have a direct and immediate impact on the students of St Bernard’s College.
With your help, we can continue to provide Catholic boys of Essendon the opportunity to fulfil their dreams at St Bernard’s College.
Gifts are tax deductible.
We are always on the look out to highlight the achievements & successes our Old Collegians have attained. If you have a story to share, or any feedback to provide regarding what type of content you like seeing in Bernie's 2 Minute Fridays please let us know!
Please follow the link below to view the event calendar.
If you have moved house recently or changed email address please send your new details to development@sbc.vic.edu.au
Anyway, 2 minutes is up, please follow us on our Webpage, Facebook or Twitter links below.