Welcome to Bernie's Two Minute Friday where we will invite you to take a couple of minutes out from your busy schedule to read about what is happening in the world - all with a St Bernard’s Old Collegians focus.
22K for 2K22
The St Bernard's College Foundation is looking to raise $22,000 for the start of 2022. This would allow us to achieve our goal of raising $100,000 for the St Bernard's College Scholarship and Bursary Fund.
We are encouraging Old Collegians to consider one of the following gifts for our 22K for 2K22 campaign.
With your help, we can continue to provide Catholic boys of Essendon the opportunity to fulfil their dreams at St Bernard’s College.
Remember Gifts are tax deductible.
We wanted to provoke some reminiscing of years gone by, so we're going to dig into the St Bernard's Archives and fish out some memories! We'd love it if you have photos from your time at St Bernard's and would be willing to send them in to share with us!
The year was 1990, Allan Border is honoured in the Australia Day Honours, Prime Minister Bob Hawke admits that Australia is in the first stages of recession, the Australian domestic aviation market is deregulated.
Great shot from a woodworking class in 1990!
We've got a bonus picture this week sent in by Old Collegian Fr Kevin Bourke, I think most of us will be able to recognise a few of the below faces!
Want to request a specific year or photo for the next "The Way We Were"? Reach out via email - cnicholl@sbc.vic.edu.au or hit the socials!
Old Collegian's Jesse Moors & Nick Quinn from Spatium Capital were interviewed on AusBiz TV earlier this week
Well worth the watch with plenty of insight into stock markets and investing at all time highs
Give it a watch here!
The College was greatly sadden to hear of the passing of Old Collegian Jack (John) Beardsley.
Jack was a member of the St Bernard's Foundation for many years, and was always passionate about bettering our Community & College.
Rest In Peace Jack. You will ALWAYS be a Bernard's Boy.
St Bernard’s College mass for deceased Old Collegians rescheduled to Saturday 4 December 2021
The Mass for deceased Old Collegians would traditionally be held on Saturday 6 November. However due to COVID restrictions we are once again unable to host the mass on this day.
As Victoria begins to reopen and vaccination rates increase, we believe that we will be in a position to hold the mass later in the year. At this stage we are planning for the mass to take place as a live event on Saturday 4 December starting at 9am at St Bernard’s College.
Whilst we are confident of being able to host the event, we will continue to be guided by Government regulations with regards to numbers and vaccination status of those attending.
If you would like to attend the mass on Saturday 4 December we ask that you register your interest by either calling Christopher Nicholl on 9289 1193 or by email to cnicholl@sbc.vic.edu.au by Friday 26 November 2021.
The information we require is the following:
Mobile Phone:
Number Attending:
Vaccination Status:
This information will allow us to host a safe event for all those attend.
We thank you for your understanding in what are very different times.
We've added an update personal details page to our website to make it easy for Old Collegians to provide updated contact details to the College. Ensuring your contact details are up to date with the College is essential to continue to receive our publications and invitations to Old Collegian events, such as the Reunions.
We received quite a few updates after the last edition, be sure to keep them coming in!
Please click here to update your details!
We are always on the look out to highlight the achievements & successes our Old Collegians have attained. If you have a story to share, or any feedback to provide regarding what type of content you like seeing in Bernie's 2 Minute Fridays please let us know!
Please follow the link below to view the event calendar.
If you have moved house recently or changed email address please send your new details to development@sbc.vic.edu.au
Anyway, 2 minutes is up, please follow us on our Webpage, Facebook or Twitter links below.