Welcome to Bernie's Two Minute Friday where we will invite you to take a couple of minutes out from your busy schedule to read about what is happening in the world - all with a St Bernard’s Old Collegians focus.
The 50 & 60 Year Reunion was hosted on Friday, 19 August at the College. It was great to see so many Old Collegians in attendance and special thanks to Rev Fr Brian Kelty & Fr Ray Scanlon who lead the mass earlier in the day as part of the St Bernard's Day celebrations.
With our Reunion's officially at an end for 2022, We would like to extend a massive thank you to all Old Collegians who attended - Its extremely important we maintain our link to our Old Collegians and our Reunions are one of the best avenue's for this.
If you have any feedback in relation to Reunions, Please feel free to contact Chris Nicholl via email - Cnicholl@sbc.vic.edu.au
One common thing we did hear is that people would like Reunions to occur more frequently, watch this space as we agree, and want to expand our Reunions for 2023!
We wanted to provoke some reminiscing of years gone by, so we're going to dig into the St Bernard's College Archives and fish out some memories! We'd love it if you have photos from your time at St Bernard's and would be willing to send them in to share with us!
The year was 1973, Gala Supreme wins the Melbourne Cup! AC/DC perform their first major gig in Sydney, Sydney Opera House officially opened by Elizabeth II, Australia's first casino, the Wrest Point Hotel Casino, opens in Hobart!
St Bernard's Essendom, 1973.
Want to request a specific year or photo for the next "The Way We Were"? Reach out via email - cnicholl@sbc.vic.edu.au or hit the socials!
Its been a jam packed two weeks at the College with plenty of events and activities for our Students to enjoy!
On Friday, 19 August, We hosted a full school mass to celebrate St Bernard's Day, As the day lines up with the 50 & 60 Year Reunions, it was fantastic to be able to host many Old Collegians for the mass,
The mass was lead two Old Collegians, Fr Brian Kelty & Fr Ray Scanlon, which provided a great sense of connectivity between the Community & the current student cohort.
On the night of Thursday, 25 August, Students & Staff braved the cold on the gym floor for the 2022 Winter Sleep-out, a great way to help raise funds for the most vulnerable in our local communties, as part of the Winter Sleep-out our Student Council designed brand new St Bernard's Beanie's, which look fantastic!
The St Bernard's Beanie's will be available for Old Collegians to purchase in a few weeks, if you would like to be added to the wait-list, please email cnicholl@sbc.vic.edu.au
Another tremendous event our Students participated in recently was the City2Surf,
Absolutely phenomenal job from all our runners, with so many Personal Bests ran - Fantastic work!
We've added an update personal details page to our website to make it easy for Old Collegians to provide updated contact details to the College. Ensuring your contact details are up to date with the College is essential to continue to receive our publications and invitations to Old Collegian events, such as the Reunions.
We are always on the look out to highlight the achievements & successes our Old Collegians have attained. If you have a story to share, or any feedback to provide regarding what type of content you like seeing in Bernie's 2 Minute Fridays please let us know!
Please follow the link below to view the event calendar.
If you have moved house recently or changed email address please send your new details to development@sbc.vic.edu.au
Anyway, 2 minutes is up, please follow us on our Webpage, Facebook or Twitter links below.