
Casual Relief Teachers

If you are a qualified, VIT registered teacher and would like to be considered for emergency teaching and/or casual relief teaching at the College, please complete the online application.

The College promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children and young people.


Contact No
Current Employer Details
Current Employer Details
Current Details Employer (2)
Current Details Employer (3)
First Aid Qualification
Supporting Documents

Please upload DOC, DOCX & PDF format files only)*

Please name your file SURNAME First Name CV etc.

Covering Letter

Curriculum Vitae


Victorian Institute of Teaching
To Teach in a Catholic School
To Teach Religious Education


Academic Qualifications (Secondary/Tertiary):

Qualification (1)


Qualification (2)


Qualification (3)


Qualification (4)


Qualification (5)



Please list from most recent (Month/Year)

Please list from most recent (Month/Year)

Please list from most recent (Month/Year)

Please list from most recent (Month/Year)

Please list from most recent (Month/Year)

Please list from most recent (Month/Year)

Please list from most recent (Month/Year)

Please list from most recent (Month/Year)


Leadership Experience (1)
Leadership Experience (2)
Leadership Experience (3)
Leadership Experience (4)

REFEREES Names and addresses of persons who have consented to act as referees: The Principal of St Bernard’s College reserves the right to contact persons not nominated by the applicant.

Referee Details (1)
Referee Details (2)
Referee Details (3)

PRE-EMPLOYMENT DISCLOSURE QUESTIONS It is an inherent requirement of the position that you be a person suitable to work in child-connected work. Each of the following questions are relevant to the prospective employer understanding and determining your likely ability to carry out the inherent requirements of the advertised position. You must answer each question.

1. Have you ever had any disciplinary action taken against you by an employer (e.g. received a warning or had your employment terminated) in relation to any inappropriate or unprofessional conduct?*

2. Have you ever been the subject of an allegation of inappropriate or unprofessional conduct which has been substantiated by an employer or other body?*

3. Have you ever been found guilty of a criminal offence or are you currently facing criminal charges?

4. Have you been subjected to any investigation by an employer or any other body?*

5. Do you consent to the prospective employer contacting the appropriate person at any or all of your current or former employers to confirm the accuracy of your answers in questions 1–3 above and to ask about your suitability to work with children?*

**Please note that the personal/sensitive information provided by applicants is being collected by the College to assess each applicant’s suitability for the position and it is protected from misuse or disclosure. By submitting this application form you consent to this process.

Where did you access this position?*


I declare that the contents of this form are true and correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and no information concerning my employment history has been withheld.

I understand that any wilfully incorrect or misleading answer or material omission which relates to any of the questions in this form may make me ineligible for employment, or if employed, liable to disciplinary action which may include dismissal.

I consent to the prospective employer making enquiries of any current and/or previous employers in connection to the information and answers I have provided in this form to verify the accuracy of the information in this form and to confirm my ability to carry out the inherent requirements of the position including my suitability to perform child-connected work. I understand and accept that my appointment to this position requires compliance with the College’s child-safe policy and code of conduct. I have read and understand the school's child-safe policy and code of conduct.

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